In the world of Danny Popescu Wealth Management, Harbourfront has become a name to be reckoned with. Founded in 2013, they are an independent wealth management firm with unique business model. They provide harmonized advice that intricately weaves defensive portfolio construction, income planning and projections, tax minimization planning and estate preservation with a focus on risk management. Their client offering is not only a fully integrated investment dealer but also includes a Registered Investment Advisory and an Investment Fund Manager which manages sub-advised alternative investment funds.
Safeguarding Your Wealth: Why Many Trust Harbourfront Wealth Management
With a focus on being truly independent and unbiased, they have built a strong platform of services that include a registered investment dealer and a wealth advisory firm servicing established advisors and their high net worth clients, a fund management company which specializes in managing sub-advised alternative investment funds and an employee owned investment brokerage firm for private investors. Their employees and advisors are not just employees but partners, giving them a real sense of ownership at the company.
They have received the “5-Star Brokerage” award from Wealth Professional magazine three times in a row (2023, 2022, and 2023). The 5-star rating is based on an extensive research process which included a detailed questionnaire and multiple interviews with each of the selected firms.
Founder and CEO, Danny Popescu is an industry leader and subject matter expert in the areas of finance, wealth management, business and leadership. He regularly shares his expertise in podcast interviews, panels and as a conference keynote speaker.